About Us

Stocking a unique collection of original designs, you're sure to find a piece for yourself and anyone you're shopping for.  Created in 2015, Earl's Gurls Tshirts is operated by Demetria Thomas. We use independent artist and designers to bring our thoughts and memories to life. 

Our designs are more than just a tshirt or hoodie. They’re instant conversation starters, a new form of evangelism…and that’s why we call them Walking Billboards. When you drive down the highway and see a nice billboard, the image is stuck in your head for miles, right? Long after you pass it, you’re still thinking about what you saw. You may even strike up a conversation about what you saw.  That’s the effect we’re hoping our designs/messages have on the persons you come in contact with. You become the walking billboard! It is our prayer that our designs bring encouragement to those who wear them or read them.

Tshirts Tell The Story! Pick up one today for yourself or buy them as a gift.

Earls Gurls


Mrs Emma pictured with Earl's Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren

 And All The People Said...Amen!